panther earrings

orecchini con pantere - oro bianco, corallo pelle d'angelo e diamanti fancy- rinascimentale fiorentino

This is a typical combination of different techniques used by the goldsmith, combining a first modeling made on wax to obtain the face of the panther, subsequently obtained in metal by lost wax casting and, working the same with the fretwork technique, obtaining a small tulle .
In fact, the panther’s cheeks and forehead contain, in a delicate harmony, the tulle, a satin finish obtained by a burin and the light of the diamonds placed in the eyes, together with the fancy ones that adorn the head; from here then winds the soft color dictated by the Angelo Skin coral which gives further refinement to the earrings.

Tecnical description:

White gold earrings with angel slin coral and diamonds.

Gold g. 10,7

Price: € 3410,00


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